White's Day Photoshoot a week away

 It's March and I haven't update here since Valentine's Day was over.

    I had a failed  valentine's day photoshoot. 

It was a messed up photoshoot since it was planned last minute and I learned my lesson. 

NO last minute planning for a photoshoot, 



March is here and White's Day is just around the corner.

I am redoing my Valentine's Day photoshoot on White's Day since,

White Day is just as important as Valentine's Day.

The series that I will be cosplaying as is ' Kuroko no Basuke'

Most of my friends involved in the photoshoot are KnB fans. 

We planned this since late February and I  hope this photoshoot is a success.


I hope you guys enjoy White's Day as well with your loved ones!

Till then!
